Home office and diet

Posted on by Carolina Simon

Home office and diet
If you are one of the millions who are now working from home due to the coronavirus, you will probably feel that anxiety and boredom may start knocking on your door, therefore this may include a few extra meals or snacks in your routine. Here are some tips to avoid this lack of control: 1- Eat with mindful eating: our brain constantly says that we deserve a gift, but our mentality has to change. We become irrational eaters instead of conscious eaters. Mindfulness - which involves being actively present in everything you are doing at any given time - is essential for healthy eating. Eating paying attention to your plate, without distractions (cell phone, TV, computer) makes our brain understand the moment to stop, understand satiety. 2- Do not go to the supermarket if you are hungry: it is always important that you go to the market without hunger to avoid calorie snacks or buy foods that are not your routine. 3- Prepare tasty and balanced meals: The idea is that if you prepare adequate food, there is absolutely no need to snack all the time. Start with the recipes you've always wanted to make and eat appropriate meals at the table. If you are alone, cook for a few days and freeze or eat the same food for two days. 4- Control and if necessary, treat your anxiety: behavioral issues are crucial in this moment in which we are living and we often need help to deal with all this pressure and uncertainty. My tip is that you seek psychotherapy if you see that the situation is getting out of hand. For an individualized recommendation and evaluation, look for a specialized nutritionist. Here at the office in Harley Street through face-to-face or online, you will find everything you need for you and your family. Follow me on Instagram: @nutricionistaemlondres

diet home office coronavirus weight loss
