Hunger and weight loss

Posted on by Carolina Capellari Simon Nutritionits

Hunger and weight loss
Excessive hunger is one of the most reported difficulties in consultation, and one of the biggest challenges in the weight loss process. Eating less calories than we expend is one of the necessary points when our goal is to lose weight. The math is simple, but that doesn't mean you must suffer from hunger. Feeling more hungry in the first third and fourth days of a food re-education is normal, (especially if you have not had control of your diet before), but persistent hunger for weeks is an indication that quantities, food distributions and macronutrients may not being so adequate, (people with obesity tend to be more hungry too, it's important to be aware of that!). Staying hungry all the time worsens mood due to the production of cortisol (stress hormone), influencing the maintenance of blood glucose, which is conducive to the choice of food options of the worst nutritional qualities (sweets and fatty foods). For weight loss, a strategy aimed at moderate energy restriction, with good food choices, avoiding excessive hunger and binge episodes is essential. Focus on complete meals (proteins, carbohydrates, fats and fibres) to ensure greater satiety. Drink water, eat meals calmly, chewing properly. Also try to practice self-knowledge: therapy, meditation, review your concepts and values, look at you with more affection. Only then can we understand that boredom, lack and sadness are different from hunger, these symptoms are known as: emotional hunger. Here at my office in Harley Street, we provide the patient with exams, cutting edge technology in nutritional assessment, food planning, personalized and professionals at the highest levels in partnership to help you deal with your weight, health and emotions! Follow me on Instagram: @nutricionistaemlondres

weight loss nutritionist London Harley Street diet anxiety hunger healthy diet health binge eating craving nutrition food
