What are the best vitamins and minerals to take during pregnancy?
The physiological processes at this point in life are working to maximize the health of the developing embryo. If your diet does not contain enough calcium, for example, the body will simply divert this important mineral from its own bones to ensure an adequate supply for the embryo. A diet low in nutrients can also increase the risk of complications during childbirth. Therefore, you need to optimize your diet during pregnancy and ensure that you have all the vitamins and nutrients necessary for a healthy pregnancy.
A nutritious diet plays a key role, so make sure you eat well. The role of the diet is fundamental, so there is no point in taking a ton of supplements and not eating well. Supplements can be a great way to ensure you have all the nutrients you need to grow and be healthy, but they are not the lifeline if your diet is poor.
The right balance for you will depend, to some extent, on your current lifestyle. For example, if you are a vegetarian or vegan, it may be a good idea to take extra vitamin B12 because this specific nutrient is only found in animal products. Likewise, specialized supplements may be necessary if you have allergies and need to avoid certain foods.
Here are the best vitamins and minerals that are essential during pregnancy:
This element plays a vital role in the daily functioning of our bodies - allowing our muscles to contract, our blood to clot and our digestive system to function as it should. Calcium is a primary building block of bones and teeth. It is an essential nutrient, which means that it is vital for health, but it cannot be synthesized by our own body.
The most abundant element on Earth plays an absolutely essential role in the metabolism of humans and other animals, transporting oxygen through our bloodstream. Each of us has several grams of iron in our bodies, which is why the blood is red in color. Women are prone to anemia (iron deficiency) due to the menstrual cycle.
Folic acid
Folic acid is also known as folate and vitamin B9. Vitamin B is not, in fact, a substance, but a group of closely related substances. Folic acid is vital for healthy development and cell growth and a deficiency during pregnancy has been linked to serious birth defects in the brain, spine and heart. We recommend at least 400 micrograms of folic acid per day for at least the first three months of pregnancy. Calcium, iron and folic acid are the three essential nutrients for pregnancy. In addition to the diet rich in these nutrients, most of the time prophylactic supplementation is done.
Vitamin D
Like vitamin B, vitamin D is a group of nutrients rather than a single substance, of which D2 and D3 are the most important. Vitamin D helps the body to absorb nutrients like calcium.
Iodine is another essential nutrient. It is used by the body to produce hormones that control growth.
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
DHA is a fatty acid that, like the others, plays an indispensable role in metabolism and in the human body. DHA is the main constituent of brain tissue, so it's no surprise that your body needs an abundant supply during pregnancy, while your body builds a new living being.
ALWAYS, WITH NO EXCEPTIONS TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR OR NUTRITIONIST about the best supplements for you and never forget: FOOD IS PRIORITY!
pregnancy pregnant nutrition health B12 folic acid DHA